我的沈阳师范大学情结—黄小猫( Shenyang Normal University and Me ¬ -- By Katherine Ackerman)

文章来源:沈阳师范大学国际交流合作处(国际教育学院)作者:黄小猫发布时间:2016-02-26 浏览次数:4518

姓名:黄小猫(Katherine Ackerman)                                          国籍:美国 
留学时间:2013年9月至2016年7月                                          留学院校:沈阳师范大学 
留学专业:语言学与应用语言学                                                留学身份:中国政府奖学金硕士学生 

Name:  Katherine Ackerman  Nationality: US 
Overseas Studying Period: September 2013-July 2016  Alma Mater: Shenyang Normal University  
Graduated Major: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics  Graduated As:Master Student with Chinese Government Scholarship 
Achieved Position: Third Place of “Chinese Bridge”-Global Foreigners Chinese Competition  



    After I came to China, I learnt a Chinese word “Yuanfen (predestined relationship)”. At first, no matter how hard the teacher explained to me, I didn’t understand it, because I was not fluent in Chinese at that time and there is no English equivalence to the word. I have been learning and living in Shenyang Normal University for a few years and now I have come to understand the meaning of Yuanfen.


    One day in January 1999, my father asked us to come to the living room and told us that our whole family were going to China. Maybe I was too young at that time, so I had no idea what to do and how long to stay in China. The Internet at the end of last century was not so popular as present, so we knew little about China. Moving to China became a piece of news and was broadcast by our local television station. Now it is still fabulous to think about it. It was so great to see that. Our whole family jumped with joy when we saw our interview was shown on TV for the first time.


    With the help of a travel agency, we booked the air tickets to China. At the moment China had reached a high level of opening up. After a transfer, our flight landed smoothly at Beijing Capital International Airport. Then we arrived in Shenyang by the sleeping berth. It was my first time to see the sleeping berth, because we didn’t have that in America. I thought Chinese were so clever that they could sleep while traveling, which was time-saving and saved the expenses of accommodation. Something interesting happened during the journey. The staff in railway station told my parents that children could take the train for free. There were six family members and eventually my parents, sister and brother bought the adult tickets, while my younger brother and I were free of charge. After we had found our seats, we realized that the privilege meant kids had to share the seats with adults. The train attendant was fond of me. I remembered that she held me on her laps and took a photo with me. It was a pity that we had no contact with each other after the journey. The photo was even published in Shenyang Daily.


    The moment we arrived in Shenyang, the leaders of Shenyang Normal University came all the way to the railway station and greeted us in the Foreign Affairs Office at the time. I still remember the building, which was a five-stoery building. There was a small restaurant on the first floor, offices on the second floor.

Accommodations for overseas students were on the third and fourth floor. We lived on the fifth floor, which was a designated area for foreign teachers. It was a small apartment. There was a public kitchen in the corridor. At meal time, the smell of my mom’s dishes made the people in the whole building run at the mouth. Professor Zhang Dexiang, who used to be the president of Shenyang Normal University, invited us for a dinner. That was the first time for me to eat Guo Bao Rou (the sauce and sweet pork). Zhang Wei, who is the Dean of the School of International Education, was also there. Afterwards, he told me that was called Yuanfen.



    Every Friday evening, my parents would hold a party of “the English Corner” at home, which then was really joyfully "overcrowded". They let us four children each organize a discussion about one given topic with a group of students. Their students could speak English really well!  On weekdays my parents took us to their classes and also took us to visit and study in other high schools and primary schools in Shenyang. On weekends, we usually went to Beiling Park. In summer, my mother loved staying in the pavilion by the lake and quietly enjoying the beautiful scenery there. My whole family gradually became members of the people of Shenyang.



    Time flew quickly and one semester was over. During this period of time we had made a lot of friends and on the day of leaving all my family shed unwilling tears. My  parents told us we would definitely come back to China, return to Shenyang and visit Shenyang Normal University again. One year later, my parents received a second invitation to Shenyang Normal University and were informed that it had been relocated in a larger campus. They said they believed Shenyang Normal University would have further development after moving to new campus. I was a little disappointed that they didn’t take any of us this time. They stayed in Shenyang for a month. My father told us that he was on business to sign a letter of intent on behalf of East Stroudsburg University with Shenyang Normal University. I still remember the signing ceremony was held near the Shenyang North Railway Station at a hotel named Green Hotel. Every time I go back to school by bus from the train station, I will take a look at the hotel a little bit more.


    In 2007, my father had another working opportunity in Shenyang Normal University, and this time other three family members went with him. My elder sister studied in South China and my elder brother studied in the United States. At that time, Shenyang Normal University had a welfare policy for foreign employees that one child of each employee could take Chinese lessons for free. My parents thought it quite considerate. It is probably because I was considered more suitable for classroom learning that they decided to give me this chance. But they also hired a Chinese tutor for my little brother. That was the first time I studied Chinese. In that semester, I always was the first one to attend the class every day and had the highest score of each course. After a semester of systematic study, I had learned the basic linguistic knowledge of Chinese, and gained the ability of self-teaching as well.



    After a period of eight years, I feel that Shenyang Normal University, has made a qualitative leap in both its hardware facilities and the upgrading of software services, as well as in the teaching and education.


    In 2009, the story between our family and the Shenyang Normal University still went on. Because of the student exchange program between East Stroudsburg University and Shenyang Normal University, my younger brother, my elder sister and I all came to study at Shenyang Normal University. This time is was my mother who came and took care of us while my father and elder brother remained in the United States working and studying. Since later my mother worked in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management, I made several more friends during my stay. But in addition to making more Chinese friends, before coming to China, I had made a bigger plan. I was determined to make a significant improvement in my Chinese. In order to accomplish this goal, I put a lot of effort into it. But compared with the future return, it was worth all the hard work. Then what was the future return?


    With the improvement of China’s national strength, the tide of “Craze in Chinese Study” also rise around the world, including the United States. In 2010, I participated in the competition of “Chinese Bridge in America” and I got a “Confucius Scholarship” because of my good performance, therefore, I could go to any Confucius Institute in Chinese universities. The Major of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language in Shenyang Normal University has always been prestigious in the Northeast of China, and naturally it has the university which has Confucius Institute, so I chose to continue my study here with no hesitation. In August 2011, I once again came here with great love.



    In 2014 I had the opportunity to participate in “Chinese bridge”-Global Foreigners Chinese Competition, and won the third place. In the process of this competition, I owe special thanks to my school and college leaders for their encouragement and support. They encouraged me all the time even when I wanted to give up. They supported me all the time even when I wanted to quit. Forming ties with SNU is my biggest happiness for a lifetime.




    Each teacher and friend still took good care of me after my coming back. In order to continue to learn Chinese here, I applied for temporary absence from my university in America. In that year, I once again consolidated the foundation of my Chinese. One year flied away very quickly, but I still didn’t learn enough. I was reluctant to leave China. After returning to the United States, I learned my own major along with putting all my spare time on the study of Chinese. However, because having no teachers and the good learning environment as those in SNU, I felt worried that I might step backwards. As the Chinese saying goes, “Learning is like riding a boat in a river, not to advance is to go back”. If I can not make progress, the consequence is not standing still, but to go backwards! So, I always push myself to study hard. In 2013, I graduated, and I’ve also applied for the Chinese Government Scholarship. This time I come back again!


    I was a graduate student after coming back this time. It is just a miracle-from my first time coming to SNU to my becoming a graduate student here. I know I should not take anything for granted and I should express my gratitude for the source of benefit like the Chinese idiom goes. Chinese people are very grateful, and are willing to reciprocate those who have helped them. In the process of my learning Chinese, I met many good teachers and wise friends. Although I can’t claim to be swift horse, but they’re definitely my Bo Le.  
